Wednesday, 29 April 2015



1 comment:

  1. Great piece, Jake.
    Been a bit tough to take EuroNews seriously after their coverage of the situation following the last Greek election: almost as if they have the blinders on, too, and really believe a finance minister that dresses like he's at the home office is serious about dealing with the stodgiest people on the planet.

    Yanis Varoufakis is an incredibly well spoken man but I think he's much more about Sun Tzu's Art of War than he lets on. The default situation for creditors gets worse by the day but if he's been planning a strategic default the whole time - well played.

    To your point, things should never have been allowed to get to this point but there does not seem to be any other conclusion to this tale. Time to book some travel to Greece soon and shell out a few hundred thousand drachmas. That will probably buy a Big Mac for a while.
